Rules and Regulations

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Rules and Regulations

    • Students are expected to attend school regularly and be punctual. School timing is from 8 AM to 2 PM.
    • All Students are required to arrive at the school campus by 7:50 AM, as the school gate will be closed promptly at 8 AM.
    • Students are expected to behave in a respectful and responsible manner. This includes treating teachers, staff, and peers with courtesy, following instructions, refraining from disruptive behavior, and avoiding bullying or harassment.
    • Medium of communication inside the campus should be in English.
    • It is mandatory for students to wear school uniform daily and on events specified by the school.
    • Students must refrain from wearing any jewelry, flowers, or face makeup while in their school uniform.
    • To ensure students’ safety and security, they will not be allowed to leave the campus during break time and hence should carry food with them or avail canteen facility.
    • We recommend utilizing healthy, non-disposable alternatives such as reusable containers for food and water and avoid any form of packaging materials (such as foils, banana leaves etc.) to minimize waste on the campus. Also bring the exact amount of food required, avoiding any surplus that may go to waste.
    • Chocolates, chewing gums, tobacco products or other harmful products must not be brought to school either for consumption or for distribution. Fruit juices and healthy snacks are encouraged instead of sugary drinks, carbonated beverages and unhealthy packaged snacks at school.
    • Students are not permitted to have in their possession any periodicals, magazines, books, or any other printed materials deemed inappropriate, except for school and library books.
    • Students are not allowed to bring money, gold ornaments, valuable articles, mobile phones, USB devices or any electronic gadgets for personal entertainment on regular days or days of activities. Such items if found will be confiscated and a fine of Rs.1000/- will be levied.
    • Students driving motorbikes/electric scooters and vehicles into the campus, even on holidays, is strictly prohibited, and violators will be subject to a fine of Rs.500/-.
    • Students are required to obtain written permission from the supervising teacher before leaving their classrooms during class hours.
    • No student will be permitted to leave the school premises during school hours without presenting a signed authorization letter from their parent or authorized guardian. Also, they will have to take prior authorization from the Principal or Section Head along with a gate pass from the office.
    • If a student falls ill or is unable to attend classes during any working day, he/she should promptly inform the class teacher and submit a leave application duly signed by his/her parent or guardian.
    • Students are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings. The school will not assume liability for any loss or damage to items like money, books, clothes or any other valuables lost by the student. However, if the loss is reported promptly, the authorities will make reasonable attempts to help locate the missing item.
    • Any damage done to school property or the property of other students will have to be compensated within 5 days.
    • Students are also required to maintain proper personal hygiene and grooming standards, including regular bathing and wearing clean and neat uniforms, trimming their nails and hair short without any fashion or style.
    • Students should be careful not to litter in classes or in the school compound. Waste should be disposed in the dustbins meant for the same.
    • Students are not allowed to celebrate their birthdays or any special days in the school. They should not distribute sweets/gifts etc. on any occasion. Gifting books to the school library on their birthdays or occasions, or plants to the garden or other necessary articles to the school are encouraged.
    • No child suffering from any contagious or infectious disease will be allowed to attend the school.
    • The authorities reserve the right to inspect any correspondence directed to the students if deemed necessary.
    • Engaging in academic misconduct during an examination can result in disciplinary action against the student.
    • It is strictly prohibited for students to gather for outings, parties, or collaborative study sessions at friends' houses, restaurants, picnic points, or any other location without the presence of parents.